About Us
The main purpose of apemploymentexchange.com is not only to provide information related to the local employment opportunities to the people of Andhra Pradesh, but also to provide a systematic solution for cultural terrorism, recessions, safety, security of women & children, national security, prevention of crime in local communities, well being of small, local & traditional business, migration, separatism, regional disputes and a stress free secured society and also to create healthy and wealthy local economies.
Founder & CEO
Kolla Vijaya Krishna

Founder & CEO


AP Map
The Values that drive us:

Transnational's / apemploymentexchange.com Vision

To promote employment opportunities locally across the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Transnational's Mission Statement

To be the global leader in promoting employment opportunities Locally.

The Values that drive us:
Transnational is focused on creating sustainable value growth through innovative solutions and unique partnerships. Our values are at the heart of our business reputation and are essential to our continued success.

Transnational is committed to building relationships with local communities and the society as a whole

Our Aim : To Promote Employment Opportunities Locally.

The Five Golden Commandments :


Local Partnership

People Participation

Voluntary Work
